Working Papers

Should Greenspan Blog?

Kevin Hassett makes the case for Greenspan to turn blogger:

Greenspan needs to enter the information age he has spoken so wisely about in the past. He needs to start a blog.

Think of it. He could post for all the world to see, his latest assessment of the state of the economy, including the detailed analysis of motor-vehicle scrappage and other arcana that colored his tenure as Fed chairman.

To protect himself against the appearance of impropriety, he could draw on the blog when he speaks publicly, and fully inoculate himself against harmful accusations. He could even sell advertising.

Greenspan is in a unique position to help Americans understand the economy they live in better. It would be a shame for him to retreat into the shadows after a bad week of publicity. The fact is, his opinions need more visibility, not less.

With Greenspan’s memoirs to be published in the not too distant future, a marketing blog would not be surprising.  Afterall, the publisher has an $8.5 million advance to recoup.  Somehow, I don’t think Greenspan will need the Google ads revenue.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Joseph Yam maintains a blog of sorts.

posted on 13 March 2007 by skirchner in

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