Working Papers

Exploited by the Australia Institute

Mullah Hamilton’s puritanical Australia Institute is fond of media stunts, but its latest report into what it calls ‘corporate paedophilia’ has clearly overstepped the mark:

Sydney mother Louise Greig was baffled and upset to be included in the “corporate pedophilia” report for photographing her daughter Georgina to promote her business, “tween” clothing label Frangipani Rose.

Ms Greig said the report said “much more about [the Australia Institute’s] Dr Emma Rush than it says about us”.

“The idea that you can look at a photograph that I’ve taken of my own daughter and think, that’s pornography - what goes though that woman’s mind?” she said.

“What kind of planet does she live on, that she would think such sick thoughts?”

Ms Greig said she felt ill whenever she thought about the way Dr Rush had described her nine-year-old daughter as “leaning forward, with legs astride. Both pose and angle are reminiscent of porn shots”.

“The more I think about how the authors have psychoanalysed and viewed my daughter’s photo in a pornographic sense makes me feel sick to the stomach,” Ms Greig said.

“I feel defamed and vilified but thankfully my daughter is too young and innocent to understand that she has been exploited by Emma Rush.”


posted on 11 October 2006 by skirchner in Culture & Society

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