Working Papers

The Four Horsemen of the Acropolis

Der Spiegel profiles the four German professors valiantly trying to bring down the euro and the bailout of Greece:

The court in Karlsruhe dismissed their request for a court injunction against the Greek bailout. But now that the Constitutional Court is reviewing at length whether to consider their complaint, Schachtschneider believes that it stands a chance of succeeding after all. In any event, he intends to publish the 60-page brief as a legal reference book, thereby going down in the history of the anti-euro movement once again. Hankel is against the idea. He would prefer that the group publish a book that is more accessible to the general public, something along the lines of their 1998 book “Die Euro- Klage. Warum die Währungsunion scheitern muss” (“The Euro Suit: Why the Monetary Union Must Fail”) or the 2001 work “Die Euro-Illusion” (“The Euro Illusion”).

posted on 03 July 2010 by skirchner in Economics, Financial Markets

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